Terms with a 5 Tech Factor
Term | Category |
3D Printer | Hardware |
404 Error | Internet |
4G | Internet |
802.11g | Technical |
Active Cell | Software |
Advertising ID | Software |
Adware | Internet |
Affiliate | Internet |
Android | Software |
Applet | Internet |
ATM | Internet |
Autoresponder | Internet |
Avatar | Internet |
AVR | Hardware |
Backlink | Internet |
Base Station | Hardware |
Benchmark | Software |
Bezel | Hardware |
Blu-ray | Hardware |
BMP | File Formats |
bps | Bits and Bytes |
Broadcast | Technical |
Buffer | Technical |
Bus | Hardware |
Card Reader | Hardware |
Cat 5e | Hardware |
Chromebook | Hardware |
Clean Install | Software |
Client | Internet |
Clone | Technical |
CMYK | Technical |
Coaxial Cable | Hardware |
Compression | Software |
Computer Ethics | Technical |
Copilot | Software |
Copyright Infringement | Technical |
CPS | Technical |
CRT | Hardware |
CSS | Internet |
Cyberbullying | Internet |
Data Mining | Technical |
DAW | Technical |
Debug | Software |
Defragment | Technical |
Digital Asset | Software |
Digital Footprint | Internet |
DirectX | Software |
Disk Drive | Hardware |
DisplayPort | Hardware |
DLC | Software |
DLL | File Formats |
DUT | Hardware |
DVI | Hardware |
Dynamic Website | Internet |
Emulation | Technical |
End User | Technical |
Enterprise | Technical |
EOL | Technical |
Esports | Technical |
External Hard Drive | Hardware |
Internet | |
File Format | Software |
Fintech | Technical |
Firewall | Internet |
Flaming | Internet |
Flexible | Technical |
Flowchart | Technical |
Font Case | Technical |
Formula | Technical |
FPS | Software |
Freeware | Software |
Frontend | Software |
FTP | Internet |
Function | Software |
Gbps | Bits and Bytes |
Gibibyte | Bits and Bytes |
HDMI | Hardware |
HDV | Technical |
HiDPI | Hardware |
HMD | Hardware |
Hotfix | Software |
HTTP | Internet |
Hub | Hardware |
Hypertext | Internet |
iCloud | Internet |
ICQ | Internet |
IM | Internet |
Influencer | Internet |
Integrated | Technical |
IP | Internet |
IP Address | Internet |
Kbps | Bits and Bytes |
Kibibyte | Bits and Bytes |
Kilobit | Bits and Bytes |
Lag | Internet |
Landing Page | Internet |
Localization | Technical |
Loop | Software |
Lossy | Software |
LPI | Technical |
Macro | Software |
Markup Language | Technical |
Matrix | Technical |
Mebibyte | Bits and Bytes |
Metaverse | Internet |
Microblogging | Internet |
MiniDV | Hardware |
MMS | Technical |
Monochrome | Technical |
Motherboard | Hardware |
Multi-Factor Authentication | Technical |
Native File | Software |
Nextdoor | Internet |
NFC | Technical |
Null | Technical |
OCR | Software |
Open Format | File Formats |
Operator | Technical |
Optical Drive | Hardware |
Origin Server | Internet |
P2P | Internet |
Page Layout | File Formats |
PHP | Internet |
Platform | Technical |
Power Cycle | Hardware |
Power Supply | Hardware |
Power User | Technical |
Process | Software |
Processor Core | Hardware |
Queue | Technical |
QWERTY | Technical |
RADCAB | Internet |
Real-Time | Technical |
Reciprocal Link | Internet |
Record | Bits and Bytes |
Redundancy | Technical |
Relational Database | Software |
Responsive Web Design | Internet |
RGBA | Technical |
Rich Text | Software |
Root | Software |
Root Directory | Bits and Bytes |
RTF | File Formats |
Safe Mode | Technical |
Scalable | Technical |
Server | Hardware |
Service Pack | Software |
SharePoint | Software |
SKU | Technical |
Skyscraper | Internet |
Social Networking | Internet |
Solid State | Hardware |
Standby | Technical |
Static Website | Internet |
Subpixel | Technical |
Switch | Hardware |
Sync | Technical |
System Software | Software |
Telecommunications | Technical |
Thunderbolt | Hardware |
Tooltip | Software |
Trojan Horse | Software |
TRS | Hardware |
Twitch | Internet |
Two-Factor Authentication | Technical |
Unicast | Internet |
USB-C | Hardware |
User Interface | Technical |
Vaporware | Technical |
Vector | Technical |
Virtual Reality | Technical |
Virus Definition | Software |
WAN | Internet |
Web Application | Internet |
Widget | Software |
Wildcard | Technical |
Windows RT | Software |
XLR | Hardware |