Terms with a 9 Tech Factor
Term | Category |
ACID | Technical |
AIX | Software |
ALU | Hardware |
Archie | Internet |
Assembler | Software |
Backside Bus | Hardware |
BarCraft | Technical |
Baseband | Technical |
Bash | Software |
Baud | Bits and Bytes |
BGP | Internet |
Black Box Testing | Software |
Boot Sector | Technical |
Bootstrap | Software |
Brownfield | Software |
Bytecode | Software |
CDMA | Technical |
Character Encoding | Software |
Chiplet | Hardware |
Chipset | Hardware |
CISC | Hardware |
Clean Room | Technical |
CLOB | Bits and Bytes |
Clock Cycle | Technical |
CMP | Internet |
Cron | Software |
CVE | Technical |
Deadlock | Software |
Desk Checking | Technical |
DKIM | Internet |
DNS Record | Internet |
Document Grinding | File Formats |
DSLAM | Hardware |
ECC | Hardware |
EDI | Internet |
Endianness | Bits and Bytes |
Enum | Bits and Bytes |
FPGA | Hardware |
FQDN | Technical |
Garbage Collection | Software |
Gopher | Internet |
Greenfield | Software |
Grep | Software |
GUID | Software |
Hypervisor | Software |
I/O Address | Hardware |
ICF | Internet |
ICMP | Internet |
Inode | Bits and Bytes |
IPC | Software |
IPX | Technical |
IVR | Technical |
JDBC | Software |
Keep-Alive | Internet |
LFN | Software |
Long | Bits and Bytes |
Lua | Software |
MCA | Hardware |
Method | Software |
Mnemonic | Technical |
MVC | Software |
Namespace | Technical |
NaN | Technical |
Netmask | Internet |
NFS | Technical |
NMS | Technical |
Northbridge | Hardware |
NOS | Software |
NTP | Internet |
NVRAM | Hardware |
Open Firmware | Software |
OSI Model | Technical |
Page Fault | Technical |
Parity Bit | Technical |
PCMCIA | Hardware |
Petaflops | Bits and Bytes |
Phreaking | Technical |
Piconet | Technical |
PON | Internet |
PRAM | Hardware |
PUK Code | Hardware |
RDRAM | Hardware |
ReFS | Technical |
Repository | Software |
REST | Internet |
RISC | Hardware |
RPC | Software |
RTE | Software |
RTMP | Internet |
Ruby | Software |
Screen Tearing | Hardware |
SDS | Software |
Semaphore | Software |
Simplex | Technical |
SIP | Internet |
SLI | Hardware |
SMART | Hardware |
SMB | Software |
SOA | Technical |
SOAP | Internet |
Southbridge | Hardware |
SPF | Internet |
SRE | Software |
SSID | Technical |
Steganography | Technical |
Superscalar | Hardware |
SYN Flood | Internet |
System Hardening | Technical |
TCF | Technical |
TFT | Hardware |
Toolchain | Software |
TRIM | Technical |
TTL | Internet |
UML | Software |
Wardriving | Technical |
WDDM | Software |
WINS | Internet |
Wrapper | Software |
Yobibyte | Bits and Bytes |
Yottabyte | Bits and Bytes |
Zebibyte | Bits and Bytes |
Zone File | Internet |